What Makes Us Special

There are many wonderful dental offices in Monmouth County, with highly qualified dentists. What sets our practice apart is the additional training and expertise we have. This enables us to offer more services and accommodate patients with specific needs.
We do general dentistry, and we do it really, really well. Whether you need preventative, restorative, cosmetic, or just overall oral health, our practice is ready, willing, and more than able to give you excellent treatment.
We would love to celebrate National Tooth Fairy Day with you August 22, as we do treat pediatric patients to get those beautiful smiles off to a good start, especially since we did not invite you to National Toothbrush Day June 26.
What our practice celebrates every day, all day, is our ability to treat patients that are more difficult to treat. Not every dentist has been trained or has the patience to handle Special Needs, anxiety sufferers, or those with adult-onset disease such as Parkinson’s and cancer.
Dr. Lichtenstein extended his education and training to be one of the extremely few dual-trained dentist anesthesiologists in the State of NJ who is Board-Certified. Being a Board-Certified Anesthesiologist sets him apart from other dentists and even other sedation dentists, who do not have his level of training, certification and over 20 years of experience. Dr. Lichtenstein completed his anesthesia residency at Long Island Jewish Medical Center in New York (one of the cornerstones of Northwell Health in NY) and practiced part-time in the OR at LIJMC for 13 years. Anesthesiology was recognized as a specialty by the American Dental Association.
What this means for you, as the patient, or you, as the caregiver is peace of mind that your dentist understands your difficulties getting dental care and is able to offer you unique solutions.
DENTAL PHOBIA AND ANXIETY-Between 9% and 20% of Americans avoid going to the dentist because of anxiety or fear, classical avoidance behavior which can lead to serious dental problems in the future due to neglect.
DENTAL CARE FOR PEOPLE WITH AUTISM- early dental treatment and good habits can ward off countless dental procedures in the future. As the child ages, extensive oral decay, cavities, and infection may occur.
SPECIAL NEEDS AND BEHAVIOR MANAGEMENT-We also treat children, adolescents and adults who have Behavior Management concerns such as ADD, ADHD, OCD as well as issues like Bi-polar Disorder. It is often difficult for these patients to sit still in a dentist’s chair; therefore, sedation dentistry offers a good solution to enable proper dental treatment.
CANCER PATIENTS- in addition to everything else these individuals are dealing with, cancer treatment can add to dental issues as chemotherapy and radiation can result in “dry mouth” and can lead them predisposed to cavities, decay, and infections.
CARDIAC AND DIABETIC NEEDS-we can monitor your blood pressure and monitor your heart rate via EKG to help ensure your safety during your dental procedures.
ACTIVE GAG REFLEXES-Using anesthesia techniques even for the simplest dental procedures can be performed and the problems caused by gagging can be eliminated
ALZHEIMER’S AND WHEELCHAIR CONFINEMENT-Sedation dentistry and specialized office equipment makes their visit so much easier.
PARKINSON’S DISEASE- dental care is particularly critical as PD can impact the health of the mouth, teeth and jaw and make dental care challenging. Poor dental hygiene can affect nutrition and increase risk for stroke, cognitive impairment, and weight loss. Rigidity and tremors make daily dental routines difficult and uncomfortable, plus the swallowing ability may be impaired.
Not sure what you or your loved one needs? Give us a call, come on in for a consultation and learn how you can lay back and enjoy a visit to the dentist. Dr. Lee Lichtenstein and his highly trained staff offer general dentistry services as well as dental treatments that can be performed using sedation dentistry and general anesthesia techniques to make patients’ experiences more pleasant and comfortable.